"The Land Between" is a fascinating documentary series that was on TVO in 2012-2013 on the history of parts of Ontario including the Kawartha, Haliburton and Muskoka areas. The full series can be viewed on youtube or found through their site.
I found however, a short video story on Moore Lake and the origin of the name as told in a story by Fred Gregory. The Moore family from which he is descended, came from Pennsylvania and established a trading site at Moore Falls around 1816 then moved it up river to the mouth of Gull Lake. Later they settled further north in the Carnarvon area and on Big Boshkung Lake. There is a "Moorefield Farm and Moore's Point" on the south end of Big Boshkung Lake near Hwy 118 named after the same family.
Click on this link to view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7yzWZC7BJs
"In this segment from "The Land Between" documentary series, Episode 2, Fred Gregory tells the story of his descendant, Sam Moore, who came to The Land Between in the early 1800s"

Very cool.......