To members of the MLPOA
Rogers Communication and EORN announced a partnership to provide eastern Ontario which includes, 10 municipalities and 13 counties of which Haliburton County is one of them. (See the news article below) They will be installing 300 new towers and 350 towers to be upgraded and all working towards eventually having the 5G network. This project is to be completed by 2025. We do not know where the towers will be installed in our area. According to Haliburton County CAO, Mike Rutter, one of the biggest hold ups will be permanent residents and cottagers objecting to the tower locations, even though these are the same people who want the service. It is most likely that traditional towers will be installed as the tree-like towers are twice as costly. Whether internet service is included with these towers is unknown at this time. However Starlinks, out of California is providing internet service and they are working on installing up to two thousand lower-atmosphere satellites to provide the service. Some residents in our community are already Starlink customers as they roll out their program.
Lisa Severson, EORN Communications Director is encouraging us both our cottage association and as individuals to send letters of support for the project to Minister Scott and Minister Monsef. The template letter will be emailed out to association members if they wish to use it for communications with the Ministry.
Update written by Nancy Barnes, MLPOA director