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Reminder that if you paid your membership through our website by credit card , you will automatically be renewed on the same day the following year that you had originally paid on. Your account renewal date details will be under your account info when you sign in.

Save the date- Our AGM will take place on Sunday, July 13th

Golf will be on Sunday, July 27th at Monck's Landing in Norland


Moore Lake Property Owners' Association is a not for profit organization that cares about the quality of life for both the seasonal and permanent residents.

The Association is committed to promoting:

  • Appreciation for the environmental protection and water quality

  • Prudent use of our lakes and rivers

  • Appropriate land and shoreline development

  • Affiliation with other organizations with similar interests

  • Provide a forum for all members to voice and discuss common concerns and issues

©2020 by Moore Lake Property Owner's Association

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